Our Memberships



IPATA-  the  International Pet and Animal Transportation Association

Ferndale have been members of IPATA since 1997, this is the organization of the Pet Shippers worldwide. We attend annual meetings with our colleagues and associates from many parts of the world. Recently we attended talks in Texas, Chicago, and Melbourne, as well as regionally in Vietnam. By being a  high profile member of this organisation this supports the network we have build in our company over the last 20 years. When we send your pets to London or New York, or anywhere in the world, we use the contacts that we have met and stayed in contact with through this association membership. IPATA members are screened for being a member and have ethics at the forefront and so when we refer pets to other IPATA members worldwide we know that they will collaborate wholeheartedly to help move your pets safely and with care. IPATA has a mission statement of being  “dedicated to the safe and humane transport of pets” which is in sync with Ferndale’s goals of safety and care for your pets.



The Animal Transportation Association

Ferndale is a member of The Animal Transportation Association, Inc. (ATA). ATA believes that all animals, birds, fish and other living creatures, domestic and wild, including biological materials, are a vital part of our world environment, to be preserved, humanely treated, and utilized for the long-term well being and benefit of the human race.

animal transportation assosciation logo


VSB   Veterinary Surgeon Board

Our Director is a practicing vet in Hong Kong, so falls under regulation of the Hong Kong Veterinary Board, so is regulated by the precepts of the VSB.



HKVA Hong Kong Veterinary Association

Our director is a veterinarian and lifelong member of the HKVA Hong Kong Veterinary Association. This is a non-mandatory organisation for vets and nurses and other staff involved in the Veterinary Field in Hong Kong. We stay focused on care, compassion, and excellence.



Australian Veterinary Association

Our Veterinarian Director is a member of Australian Veterinary Association(AVA).


Royal College of Veterinary Surgeons (UK)

Our Veterinarian Director is a member of Royal College of Veterinary Surgeons, and so allowed to use the title MRCVS.